
35 Little Things I Am Thankful For

Happy Thanksgiving, pals!  Sorry for the delay in posting, I was at a Model United Nations conference for the weekend!  With that, I wanted to share why I am posting what I am posting. We all know the major things we are thankful for.  However, we sometimes look over the little things we take for granted.


  1. AC in the summer
  2. Heat in the winter
  3. Phones (like the one you’re probably reading this off)
  4. Coupons
  5. Toilets
  6. Hand soap
  7. Showers
  8. Clean water
  9. Doctors
  10. Freedom
  11. Thanksgiving Dinner (If you are in America)
  12. Clocks
  13. Netflix
  14. Education
  15. Plants
  16. Fruit
  17. Veggies
  18. Sunshine
  19. Animals (Seriously, what did we do to deserve them?)
  20. Coffee
  21. Support System
  22. Internet and Wifi
  23. Transportation
  24. Sunsets and sunrises
  25. Books
  26. Soft Blankets
  27. Public Servants (i.e. police)
  28. Insurance
  29. Church (Especially the people there)
  30. Music
  31. Sports to watch and/or play
  32. A beautiful night sky
  33. Cards in the mail
  34. A bed to sleep in
  35. Family!!! (Not a little thing, but I am SO thankful for mine!)


What are you thankful for?  Let me know in the comments, happy Thanksgiving!!!

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