
What Is Enough For Me?

Life is always busy. With starting a new job and working 50+ hours, I’ve barely had any time to focus on myself. I could feel how worn out I was getting from having to be awake and alert all day long. As an ambivert, I’m able to be extroverted and energetic when I need to, but there’s always the need to be alone for just a few hours. Today, I decided to have some “me” time. I went shopping, enjoyed looking at adorable things, and when it started snowing and traffic was crazy, I decided to wait it out in a wonderful coffee shop. My phone was almost dead, so I used what little power I had to search self-reflection prompts, turned my phone off, and got to writing. One of the questions was,

“What Is Enough For Me?”

This prompt was intriguing to me – I had never thought like this before. It has always been, “What do I need more of?” or “I want more…”

Everyday, we are so consumed by our wants and needs that we often ignore the things that we already have enough of. This question forced me to change how I thought about a lot of things in my life- friendship, where I live, the people I meet, and the people I love. I expect so much more than I get out of life – which is still good to do – that I overlook the really good parts of life. My goal is to keep this question in my thoughts whenever I’m nagging my boyfriend or drooling over something cute I saw at the store; What is enough for me to be happy? I want this question to change my train of thought into appreciating what I already have in that very moment, and I encourage you to reflect on this and to find what truly makes you happy. If you’re willing, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. What is enough for you?

What Is Enough For Me (To Be Happy?)

  • Having someone to sleep next to at night.
  • Hot chocolate and good coffee.
  • Spending time with my friends.
  • Deep and personal conversations.
  • Cozy nights in with my boyfriend.
  • Good wishes from strangers.
  • Spontaneous adventures.
  • New friendships.
  • A good book.
  • Warm blankets.
  • Movie nights.



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