
What Is Enough For Me?

Life is always busy. With starting a new job and working 50+ hours, I've barely had any time to focus on myself. I could feel how worn out I was getting from having to be awake and alert all day long. As an ambivert, I'm able to be extroverted and energetic when I need to,… Continue reading What Is Enough For Me?


Editorial: Awareness

With coming holidays, it's easy to get caught up in material items with Black Friday and Cyber Monday, all the while ignoring and neglecting the important things around us- our family and friends. Holidays are the best time to show a friend you care about them, or to express how grateful you are to have… Continue reading Editorial: Awareness

DIY, Holiday

20 Pumpkin Carving Ideas

Halloween is right around the corner, which means it's time to start carving pumpkins! It's fun to do, but always hard to figure out what your design will be. If you're stuck on what to carve, take a look at this list for some inspiration! What other pumpkin carvings do you think would be great… Continue reading 20 Pumpkin Carving Ideas


Skincare Essentials

Recently, I've been learning a lot about the ins and outs of skincare and I wanted to share my newly obtained knowledge! I love helping people find a skin care routine that works for them and helps them feel good about how they look, so I wanted to make this post explaining how to set… Continue reading Skincare Essentials


Favorite Phone Apps

For today's post, I decided to tell you about some of my favorite phone applications that I use quite a bit. Some of them are for fun and some others I use to help make my life easier, so if you're looking for some new applications, here they are! Games I Love Hue (iPhone, Android) The… Continue reading Favorite Phone Apps


First Time Living On My Own

It's been two weeks since I moved into my new apartment (yay!) and I've gotten to experience a lot of different things. I'm learning how to "adult" and do adult things like pay bills and grocery shop. I've enjoyed my first two weeks of freedom and independence, but there have also been some sucky experiences,… Continue reading First Time Living On My Own