
Skincare Essentials

Recently, I've been learning a lot about the ins and outs of skincare and I wanted to share my newly obtained knowledge! I love helping people find a skin care routine that works for them and helps them feel good about how they look, so I wanted to make this post explaining how to set… Continue reading Skincare Essentials


Review: The Happy Planner

Before I get into this post, Sam and I both are sorry for not posting.  We have both been super busy.  I've been sick and Sam has been working like crazy.  This week we will both be posting!  Stay on the lookout for a new feature on our blog as well! This year for school… Continue reading Review: The Happy Planner


Staying Organized

Let me start this off by staying that I understand entirely that being organized can be a hassle.  I am a college student living in a dorm and sometimes things can get messy.  To say that I enjoy being organized is an understatement.  In fact, most of my friends know that being organized is one… Continue reading Staying Organized


Time Management

If there is anything I have learned in college, it would be time management.  During high school, I was terrible at managing my time.  In high school I often did not plan for things.  I would get an assignment in class and either do it right away at home or hold it off until last… Continue reading Time Management


My Goals and Reflections

This past week has been absolutely crazy.  I moved back into the dorms at college and classes have started.  Needless to say, I have been busy!  Trying to find motivation was hard this week, but I decided to do a reflection on my first year of college and my goals for this upcoming year! My… Continue reading My Goals and Reflections


How to Move- A Guide

I'm moving in four days (wow!) and it's been like a roller coaster ride. I've learned a lot and recently one of my friends asked me what she should do to prepare for moving. I ended up sending her multiple texts nearly equivalent to an essay explaining what she should do to move. I had… Continue reading How to Move- A Guide

Life, Style

Retail Tips and Tricks

Do you ever avoid shopping at certain stores because you think they'll be too expensive? I used to only shop at stores that offered low prices (like Forever 21) because I thought other stores would cost me too much money, which I never had enough of. I didn't bother with coupons and I never recognized… Continue reading Retail Tips and Tricks


July Reflections

In my bullet journal, I used to incorporate a small section for weekly reflections. It was a space where I could write down important things to remember about what I learned from life. For July, I changed it up a bit so that I had an entire page for my personal reflections. This month has… Continue reading July Reflections


I Tried To Be Productive

Lately, I've needed to get a lot done, but I never could find the energy to do everything I needed to do. I started looking up tips on how to be more productive and compiled a list of all of my favorite methods. I decided to challenge myself to test these methods and see how… Continue reading I Tried To Be Productive


My Favorite Drug Store Makeup!

I had a hard time brainstorming an idea for my first post until I found inspiration literally right in front of me- my makeup collection! It is a vast collection of high and low-end products and, as a college student, I understand that it can be hard to afford those pricey cosmetics. So I decided to list… Continue reading My Favorite Drug Store Makeup!